Hello friends, hope you all are ready to dive into some fascinating topic i.e “Coding” for designers. What are doing in your daily regime? Obviously, the answer would be designing, having a conversation with the superior about the workflow and later on the end of the day handing over your work to either to your superior or client. Are you interested to develop your coding skills? Then I think “Anima” is the toolkit that you are looking for.
The anima toolkit is the sketch app plugin. Nowadays Anima toolkit is a convenient way to communicate with the developers. So, are you excited to learn code directly from designing tool? We have to make sure about the responsive design as well as run it to check the design in a responsive browser with the help of very smart and gratitude Anima Toolkit for the sketch. Using the anima toolkit, the designer can now take control of UI. Before Anima, Advanced responsive layouts were only possible to check by using coding. But the latest version 3.0 of anima brings the power of the export coding from the sketch. No coding but with a new generation of visual tools.
This is a Skillful idea with or without coding skills, without the need for coding in designer life. It is called Anima Toolkit for the sketch app.
The prototype is used to test UI/UX without proceeding into a development process. The responsive Layouts, Interactive Components, Animations, Videos, Forms and many More. All this being is created with a perceptible interface inside the Sketch app.
There are three properties of the prototype:-
1. Flow:-
The flow is used to link the artboard or breakpoint to any component.
There are two types of links are External link & Backlink to the element. The External link is used for the outsourcing operation. In the external link, you can copy any link from outside and paste it. When you click on a component which is connected to external link the target action will be denominated. You can quickly join links to define the complete flow of your project. We define the project flow with the links between screens. You can also link to other websites. If you need to connect your company profile through Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.
2. Breakpoints:-
The Breakpoints is used to share a single link that just works for mobile, tablet, or desktop. Create a responsive design that fits all screen sizes. Simply connect multiple artboards to say that they are actually the same screen. It’s that easy. Share the same prototype for all platforms – mobile, tablet, and even multiple desktop sizes.
3. Set as Home:-
You can set the artboard as a default home screen for every time.
Smart Layers
You can perform your Prototype quickly with Smart Layers.
Smart Layers will help you to design your realistic prototypes with a few clicks. Perform live forms with real input fields. Add Hover effects and animations to the fields. Embed videos, GIFs, and also HTML code.
You can quickly create your interaction with elements in a sketch app.
Note:- You can get a better vision on this by going through the below link: Interaction Design for Sketch
Let’s share your experience with the fantasy of anima toolkit features with your colleague. Rather than sharing screenshots, hot-spots, prototypes, it is better to share ideas with people which they can experience.
Make your developers laugh 🙂 When they notice that you are exporting code with just a single click.
Handoff the most precise and specific design specs. Welcome your developers to observe the original code that executes your High-Fidelity Prototype run. Anima Toolkit specs include Flexbox, Padding, Animation Timing Functions and more.
Ready to go beyond the prototyping phase?
Export HTML/CSS/JS file and run fast and go to live it!
Export fully responsive, and interactive websites from your high-fidelity prototypes.
Handoff your design code to the development team :), or host your website with anima toolkit – no developers needed.
Exports are pure HTML / CSS / JS with no dependencies.
You Love to Host?
You can Publish your websites directly from Sketch with Anima plugin. No coding required.
Using Anima, your Sketch design is a few clicks away from publishing a live website. It’s that easy. Updating your website is just another click away.
Yeahhhhh! Now I am pretty sure you have that much knowledge of Prototype & Export of anima toolkit, that you can proudly share it with your friends and colleagues who aren’t aware of it.
We hope this blog satisfied you and we are ready to help you out.